Alhambra High School

Alhambra, California, 2008

» Posted on Oct 14, 2011

Alhambra High School

“SPIN rocks! First of all, this musical rocks! Just had to get that off my chest. My name is Brandon and I will be playing Cosmo in Alhambra High Schools production of SPIN: A Musical Myth!!! … To me, he seems like the assistant to Vanessa Williams from Ugly Betty (in the beginning) and more of a friend towards the end.”

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“Our last show is tomorrow at 3:15 pm. The amazing ride may be over, but the spirit it left behind is so strong!”

–Brandon De Santiago, “Cosmo”, Alhambra High School

“Oh my god this production of SPIN is AWESOME – seriously it is one of those special productions that only comes along every once and awhile- Everything- set/actors/costumes/the band- it has all been touched by magic- This whole experience has meant a lot to [my kids] it is different from other plays- I am very proud of them.”

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“The show turned out great – Saturday moved people to tears — it was truely amazing and life-altering. The kids want to do a revival.”

–Blake Williams, Drama Teacher, Alahambra High School